Met trots kondigt Jolly Jumpers aan dat de Kroatische hoofdcoach Vladimir Ivankovic vanaf volgend seizoen samen met assistent-coach Martijn Bos aan het roer staat van ons team.
Na het vertrek van Chris Stomp heeft de club de ervaren Ivankovic aangesteld, die vorig seizoen het damesteam van het Zweedse Kalmar leidde. Coach Vladimir heeft een indrukwekkende reputatie opgebouwd in verschillende Europese landen.
Laurens Brummelhuis, voorzitter van de technische commissie, zegt: “We zijn trots dat we een coach met zo’n reputatie aan Jolly Jumpers hebben kunnen binden. Met hem hebben we een uitstekende vervanger voor Chris gevonden. Vladimir zal veel ervaring uit het internationale basketbal meebrengen, waar wij als club en team enorm van kunnen leren.”
Vladimir Ivankovic “Once I have finished my 4 years in Kalmar, I said to my family: “I want to coach a top team, team with ambitions, and the team I can make a champion.
When the contact with Jolly Jumpers was established, I spoke with my friends from the Netherlands, and after that, I knew – this is it – that’s the club I want to coach.
I’m bringing with me 34 years of basketball experience with almost 600 games on the bench. It will be hard to step in coach Chris’s shoes, he did great job here, but I’ll do everything in my power to make Jolly Jumpers even better.
I’m looking forward to a great season ahead. “
Brummelhuis sluit af: “We zijn zeer benieuwd naar de inbreng van de nieuwe coach en kijken uit naar het nieuwe seizoen. Het kan ons niet snel genoeg beginnen.”

Vladimir Ivankovic Appointed as New Head Coach of Jolly Jumpers
Jolly Jumpers is proud to announce that Croatian head coach Vladimir Ivankovic, together with assistant coach Martijn Bos, will be leading our team starting next season.
Following the departure of Chris Stomp, the club has appointed the experienced Ivankovic, who led the women’s team of Swedish club Kalmar last season. Coach Vladimir has built an impressive reputation in various European countries.
Laurens Brummelhuis, chairman of the technical committee, says: “We are proud to have been able to secure a coach with such a reputation for Jolly Jumpers. With him, we have found an excellent replacement for Chris. Vladimir will bring a wealth of experience from international basketball, from which we as a club and team can greatly benefit.”
Vladimir Ivankovic “Once I have finished my 4 years in Kalmar, I said to my family: “I want to coach a top team, team with ambitions, and the team I can make a champion.
When the contact with Jolly Jumpers was established, I spoke with my friends from the Netherlands, and after that, I knew – this is it – that’s the club I want to coach.
I’m bringing with me 34 years of basketball experience with almost 600 games on the bench. It will be hard to step in coach Chris’s shoes, he did great job here, but I’ll do everything in my power to make Jolly Jumpers even better.
I’m looking forward to a great season ahead. “
Brummelhuis concludes: “We are very curious about the input of the new coach and look forward to the new season. It can’t start soon enough for us.”